$ ./Filipe-Borato.sh

Audio Engineer and Back End Developer.

Linkedin Github Youtube CV Soundcloud 1 Soundcloud 2

About Me

Today I work as a Back End Developer creating web solutions with the most current tools and techniques on the market, mainly using the Go and Python language. My two other passions are audio and music. I have some projects created in these areas and I intend to develop other works that interest me.


It's much harder to build than to destroy..
Abstract work demands creativity.
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.

Some Codes

      // C++ audio example
      // filipeborato@github
      float CompreezorAudioProcessor::calcCompressorGain(float fDetectorValue, float fThreshold, float fRatio, float fKneeWidth, bool bLimit)
         // slope variable
         float CS = 1.0 - 1.0 / fRatio; // [ Eq. 13.1 ]
                                 // limiting is infinite ratio thus CS->1.0
                                 //if (bLimit)
                                 //CS = 1;
                                 // soft-knee with detection value in range?
         if (fKneeWidth > 0 && fDetectorValue > (fThreshold - fKneeWidth / 2.0) &&
            fDetectorValue < fThreshold + fKneeWidth / 2.0)
            // setup for Lagrange
            double x[2];
            double y[2];
            x[0] = fThreshold - fKneeWidth / 2.0;
            x[1] = fThreshold + fKneeWidth / 2.0;
            x[1] = min(0, x[1]); // top limit is 0dBFS
            y[0] = 0; // CS = 0 for 1:1 ratio
            y[1] = CS; // current CS
                     // interpolate & overwrite CS
            CS = lagrpol(&x[0], &y[0], 2, fDetectorValue);
         // compute gain; threshold and detection values are in dB
         float yG = CS * (fThreshold - fDetectorValue); // [ Eq. 13.1 ]
                                             // clamp; this allows ratios of 1:1 to still operate
         yG = min(0, yG);
         // convert back to linear
         return pow(10.0, yG / 20.0);

      # Python code with syntax highlighting
      # thelearn-tech@github
      from os import path
      def check_for_file():
            print("Does file exist:", path.exists("data.csv"))
      if __name__=="__main__":

List Example 1

List Example 2
  1. This is an ordered list, following a heading.
  2. This is an ordered list, following a heading.
  3. This is an ordered list, following a heading.
Table Example
Name Age Gender
Josh 27 Male
Tom 25 Male
Olivia Never Ask Female
This is a Table

Look there is a horizontal rule below this.

Unordered list:

Ordered list:
  1. item I
  2. item II
  3. item III

Nested list:

Mind Map Hacker

friday info

Description list:

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